In the third level, the stem analysis is extended by use of 3D SCAN. This method allows the detailed geometry of the stem to be captured including all irregularities or open cavities. This information can be taken into account in the tree stability calculation, thus further refining its results. Beyond the data of the previous levels, the Stem Scan provides a complete simulation of the stress analysis, a calculation of the effect of open cavities and other defects on the stem, and specific recommendations for tree stabilization. Accurate information on the tree geometry can also be used to analyze the dynamics of compensatory growth when re-evaluated.
You will have a clear idea which of the monitored trees are safe and which ones should be stabilised or even removed. You will get detailed information on stability of trees with open cavities, which represent a highly valuable microhabitat for many organisms. Based on detailed knowledge of the structure of tree's supporting elements, you will have a clear idea of its biomechanics.
The Adbian Stem Scan is best used to complement a detailed visual survey, especially in the case of older (senescent, veteran)and valuable trees with cavities and growth irregularities. It is therefore the optimal tool for surveying the condition of heritage trees and trees with increased biological potential. In this case for collecting necessary data, arborist can also use a mobile phone or tablet or a dedicated 3D scanner.
The main output is again the safety coefficient, a value defining the degree of safety of the existence of a given tree in its location, supplemented by a possible recommendation for effective stabilization measures. A detailed 3D model allowing the representation of the tree in 3D environment and its visualization in a growth context helps to analyze the tree in question. This provides a comprehensive documentation of the tree's condition and its evolution between different phases of the examination. Additional reports are provided in the same extent as in the previous levels, i.e. a summary of the ecobenefits or an analysis of the volume of wood that needs to be processed in the eventual felling.
The three-dimensional model allows one to visualize the size and structure of the tree in its growth context. For more advanced levels, the 3D model includes detailed documentation of the tree stem condition at the time of the field survey, possibly enriched by the results of the analysis of internal structures obtained through device-supported tests.
The safety coefficient is a value expressed as a percentage that defines the ratio of the strength of the supporting structures(especially the trunk) in relation to the stresses generated in them as a result of horizontal loading by strong winds. A safety factor value of less than 100 % indicates that the tree is insufficiently compensated for the conditions and may pose potential risk of failure. Results of the calculation of the safety factor cannot be used on their own without expert interpretation and the overall contexts evaluated by a qualified arborist.
In addition to the safety coefficient and the analytical 3D model, the collected data can be used for other valuable outputs. These include a volumetric analysis indicating the volume of biomass to be processed if the tree is felled, or a summary of the ecobenefits, i.e. the benefits of the tree to the environment. The range of reports is continuously expanding.